Everybody likes to talk to their favourite people, we want to unwind with them, share our burdens, plans, and strategize with them; we want to tell them about everything, and the excitement to share our lives with them is thrilling. We find them a safe place to nest in. These conversations strengthen our bond with them. Much more than this, your Heavenly Father wants you to have fellowship with Him, He wants you to see Him as a safe place where you can share and tell everything. Sadly, some people have ideologies about God that are untrue. They see Him as one angry person in a wingback chair melting out strikes and judgement, unloving, and harsh. These pictures of God they got from rumours and hearsay, and this has affected their relationship with God. However, these pictures don’t describe God. 

You must realise that one of the ways to have fellowship with God is by prayer, not as a one-off thing but a lifestyle. There are people who only pray when they are in dire emergency. Prayer is like their contingency plan: they rush in on God and once their issues are solved, they are off till the next emergency. While for some, prayer is like that ritual that comes with no deep relationship, they just say things to God and move off. This is not how prayer should be. God is a God of fellowship, He does not want you talking to him when things seem awry, or when you don’t have everything figured out. God wants you to talk to Him in all seasons. Paul admonishes in Colossians 4:2 about continued prayers. 

God wants to be at the centre of your activities all day long – you talk to Him and He talks back to you, you tell Him everything and He responds. God is not tired of spending time with you in fellowship. Prayer has to be continued, and not a contingency plan or your fall back strategy. It should be your first-thing-first and priority all day (1 Timothy 2:1). Your relationship with God matters the most. There are different kinds of prayer, however, do all because it is important in your walk with God. Talk to God when all is well and when it isn’t. Let your heart have God-conversations continuously. Let your prayers come from your heart, you mean what you say and you know what you are saying.

Prayer strengthens your walk with the Lord. In prayer, you are in tune with God’s will – you know what the Lord will have you do. A praying man will always find himself in God’s will. In prayer, you become malleable to God’s word and are able to do the Word even when it’s not convenient. Prayer increases your sensitivity to the leading of the Spirit. In prayer, mountains skip like ram, impossible situations are overturned. What prayer cannot fix, nothing else can. Prayer is not an alternative, it is the only option you have as your life depends on it. You are better-off being a praying man. In prayer, you are able to set in motion the things you want to see in your life. Don’t just like prayer, pray! Don’t just admire praying men, pray! Don’t just sing about prayer, pray! Get praying. 

The most efficient way to pray is by tongues. You stay full and filled with the Spirit in prayer. Don’t just talk to God and run off. Hear what He has to say to you. God’s communication to you in prayer is wisdom. The praying man is a wise man. He sees from the perspective of God. In prayer, God’s will is done on the earth as He will only do much on the earth to the degree men pray. So, dear believer, pray.


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